Accelerate Rural Indiana Project Portfolio

Rush County’s
Love Community Center
Project Cost: $21,107,154
READI Funds: $4,000,000
Local Match: $5,100,000
Private Match: $7,130,000
READI Priorities Addressed
Talent Attraction and
Quality of Place
For years, public feedback in Rush County has pointed to the need for a community center to address the economic, population, and health challenges currently being experienced by the county. The Rush County Community Foundation (RCCF) worked diligently on a community center concept that will support all ages and socioeconomic statuses in the community. RCCF’s community center concept redevelops a blighted and empty retail center into a service hub for Rush County, bringing numerous nonprofit and government-related service providers together under one roof. Additionally, it will provide a recreation destination for the region, establish a YMCA- affiliated fitness center and daycare facility and deliver a new gathering area for residents of the region Funding from READI alleviated a funding gap that existed for the project.

REC Center
View the REC Center mock up video below!